maintain, improve and complete the Wandle Trail along the full length of the river - including by closing gaps in the Wandle trail at Earlsfield and the Wandle Delta
raise awareness and improve management of the Wandle’s diverse cultural and industrial heritage, including its mills and landmark historic sites
realise the opportunity of the vast area of open space three times the size of Hyde Park stretching from Beddington to Mitcham as a major new open space for people and wildlife embracing Beddington Farmlands and the land north of BedZed to provide a major new public focus for the Wandle Valley
ensure new development along the Wandle respects and enhances its wildlife and public access and enjoyment
develop the Wandle’s identity as a source of business and economic success
support development of the Wandle as a “green valley” with a major focus on generating renewable energy for its communities
encourage use of the Wandle Valley for healthy outdoor activity, community volunteering and public events
secure full recognition of the Wandle Valley Regional Park from its four constituent London boroughs and the GLA, including campaigning for a review of the Lee Valley precept
connecting the Wandle Valley into the wider family of Regional Parks In London as as part of recognising London as a National Park City
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Wandle Vistas Find out more about our project identifying and researching the Wandle Vistas, including the research reports and a compelling five minute video showing all the sites.
Hackbridge bridges
Watch the destruction of the Hackbridge bridges in the short video below.